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利率 effective as of: 05/24/2024
利率: 年度百分比利率(APRs)显示我们最低的汽车贷款利率
汽车贷款利率和条款对新车和二手车都很好,最高可达110%的融资, plus you may qualify to make no payments for 90 days.2
最大的词 | 年利率(As Low As)1 | 率类型 |
最多29个月 | 5.28% | 固定 |
30至36个月 | 6.28% | 固定 |
37至48个月 | 6.28% | 固定 |
49至66个月 | 6.38% | 固定 |
67至75个月 | 6.48% | 固定 |
76至84个月 | 7.58% | 固定 |
最大的词 | 年利率(As Low As)1 | 率类型 |
最多29个月 | 6.28% | 固定 |
30至36个月 | 7.28% | 固定 |
37至48个月 | 7.28% | 固定 |
49至66个月 | 7.38% | 固定 |
67至75个月 | 7.48% | 固定 |
最大的词 | 年利率(as Low as)1 | 率类型 |
最长36个月 | 8.78% | 固定 |
37至48个月 | 8.78% | 固定 |
49至66个月 | 8.88% | 固定 |
67至75个月 | 8.98% | 固定 |
作为加州海岸的会员,您可以通过我们的合作伙伴Wawanesa节省更多的汽车保险费用! 今天拨打这条专线获取免费报价,并了解您可以节省多少费用: 833-302-5625
Cal Coast is an exclusive partner of Wawanesa 汽车保险 — 一个本地和值得信赖的名字在汽车保险与卓越的服务和有竞争力的价格.
利率 as of 05/24/2024. 利率 subject to change without notice.
Amount Financed: Some applicants may require a down payment.
仅限标准乘用车,不包括商用车辆或出租车辆. No Lemon Law buybacks or grey/salvage titles. 供商业使用或供赔偿旅客使用的车辆, 包括但不限于用作出租车或拼车的车辆, 不符合资格. Other restrictions apply.
1APR = Annual Percentage Rate. 利率 are current as of 05/24/2024. 贷款 subject to credit and collateral approval. 利率,条款和条件可能会发生变化,并可能根据信誉而变化. Other rates and terms available. Certain restrictions apply. 会员 and credit subject to approval. 为每一个在圣地亚哥或河滨县生活或工作的人服务. A one-time $5 membership fee and savings account required. 限制.
290-day deferred payment option for qualified borrowers. 财务费用立即开始累积,并在贷款期间偿还. 因此,如果付款开始得更早,你可能会为贷款支付更高的总财务费用. 限制.
3CCCU does not endorse or encourage the product or services. CCCU敦促您对供应商及其产品/服务进行自己的尽职调查. Subject to credit and collateral approval. 广告费率是我们最低的年百分比费率(APR),于2024年5月24日生效,并包括使用TrueCar提供的加州海岸汽车购买服务的折扣 http://calcoastcu.truecar.com 或新汽车公司,我们的个性化礼宾购车服务(calcoastcu).网站.com或NCI). 利率 are subject to change without notice. Vehicle loan rates with the calcoastcu.网站.com/NCI discount currently as low as 4.78%年利率,取决于信用记录,贷款期限和车辆型号年. 同样低的税率适用于2022年及以后的车型. A 29 month loan with a 4.78% fixed APR would have monthly payments of $36.59 per $1000 borrowed. If you use calcoastcu.网站.com/NCI, the discounted offer is good for purchases; rate discount subject to change or end without notice. 要获得折扣优惠,您必须使用加州海岸汽车购买服务网站 http://calcoastcu.truecar.com 或新 Cars Inc .,并从您的报价证书(Cal Coast TrueCar 储蓄 Certificate)上列出的认证经销商处购买车辆,或从新 Cars Inc .购买车辆. 并向加州海岸信用社提供购买资金. 加州海岸TrueCar储蓄证明必须在购买之前生成,并且在您的贷款获得资助之前不超过90天. 您的贷款最初将在没有利率折扣的情况下设立. 在您的贷款协议签署后,您的车辆购买完成, 我们将确认您有资格获得折扣,并在贷款生效日期将折扣应用于您的贷款. Discount for all year models is 0.贷款期限不超过5年半(66个月)的获批利率可减免50%. Discount for all year models is 0.贷款期限为六十七个月或以上者,可获核准利率优惠25%. 折扣价格适用于购买,但不适用于再融资和租赁买断. 折扣不能与任何其他折扣计划或类型合并使用. 请允许10至15个工作日后的资金处理您的购买和贷款折扣.
年利率(APR)列出的是我们的最佳利率,根据信用记录可能会更高. All loans subject to approval. 限制.
Model Years 2022 or 新er
5岁的时候已经29个月了.28% APR estimated monthly payment is $36.81 per $1,000 borrowed. For 3 years (36 months) at 6.28% APR estimated monthly payment is $30.56 per $1,000 borrowed. For 4 years (48 months) at 6.28% APR estimated monthly payment is $23.62 per $1,000 borrowed. For 5 1/2 years (66 months) at 6.38% APR estimated monthly payment is $18.01 per $1,000 borrowed. For 6 years and 3 months (75 months) at 6.48% APR estimated monthly payment is $16.26 per $1,000 borrowed. For 7 years (84 months) at 7.58% APR estimated monthly payment is $15.39 per $1,000 borrowed.
最长期限:适用于所有2022年或更新车型,最长5年半(66个月). 贷款期限为6年3个月(75个月),最低贷款金额为12,000元. 贷款期限为7年(84个月),贷款额为25,000元或以上.
Model Years 2017 - 2021
从6岁到29个月.28% APR estimated monthly payment is $37.26 per $1,000 borrowed. For 3 years (36 months) at 7.28% APR estimated monthly payment is $31.01 per $1,000 borrowed. For 4 years (48 months) at 7.28% APR estimated monthly payment is $24.09 per $1,000 borrowed. For 5 1/2 years (66 months) at 7.38% APR estimated monthly payment is $18.49 per $1,000 borrowed. For 6 years and 3 months (75 months) at 7.48% APR estimated monthly payment is $16.74 per $1,000 borrowed.
最长期限:适用于所有2017 - 2021年车型,最长5年半(66个月). 贷款期限为6年3个月(75个月),最低贷款金额为12,000元.
For 3 years (36 months) at 8.78% APR estimated monthly payment is $31.71 per $1,000 borrowed. For 4 years (48 months) at 8.78% APR estimated monthly payment is $24.79 per $1,000 borrowed. For 5 1/2 years (66 months) at 8.88% APR estimated monthly payment is $19.21 per $1,000 borrowed. For 6 years and 3 months (75 months) at 8.98% APR estimated monthly payment is $17.48 per $1,000 borrowed.
最大的词: Offer good for all model years 2016 and older, 或经典/异国情调/特种车辆长达5年半(66个月). 贷款期限为6年3个月(75个月),最低贷款金额为12,000元.
Classic/Exotic/Specialty Vehicles List
下面列出的车辆被认为是经典,异国情调和/或特种车辆. 此列表并不全面,如有更改恕不另行通知.
对你的账户有疑问,申请贷款,或者你准备讨论再融资? Whatever 你的 question or need, 我们的会员服务中心随时恭候您的光临 你的 best interest at heart.